About Me

Sean P. Mackinnon is currently an instructor in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Dalhousie University. Sean was born and raised in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. He spent his freshman year in the lower mainland of British Columbia, studying at the University College of the Frasier Valley. He later fell in love with Kelly Barrie and moved back to Cape Breton to live with her. They married on May 15, 2010. Sean continued his education at Cape Breton University, earning his undergraduate degree in psychology (BA Hons) under the supervision of Peter D. MacIntyre. Sean also attended Wilfrid Laurier University and received his MA in social psychology in 2008 under the co-supervision of Christian H. Jordan and Anne E. Wilson. Sean completed his PhD in Psychology at Dalhousie University under the supervision of Dr. Simon B. Sherry in 2012. Sean’s research interests lie within the realm of social/personality psychology, and he is most interested in issues centering on well-being, self-concept, relationship processes, and personality as a risk factor for psychopathology. His dissertation work examined the relationship between perfectionism, life narratives and well-being in freshman university students.

One reply on “About Me”

Dear Professor Mackinnon,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Archie (Artem Zadorozhnyy), I am a fourth-year PhD student at the Education University of Hong Kong. The field of my research interests is aligned with language education and I currently am learning how to apply statistical analysis to analyze data.

I am writing regarding your “Measurement Invariance Tutorial Paper” paper(Mackinnon, Curtis, & O’Connor, 2022). First, I need to mention that I very much enjoyed learning how to work with cross-lagged panel models following your code, however, I have a quick question to which I would appreciate your comments. I apologise in advance if my questions are very superficial or silly in their nature.

First, given my knowledge of SEM procedures in relation to the analysis of data collected at one point of time (one wave), upon screening procedures, EFA and CFA are the common procedures to validate scales. This step is usually performed before testing measurement invariance (if applicable). Referring to your paper where you paid attention to two scales (State Social Anxiety and Perfectionistic self-presentation), no comments were given to EFA and CFA for the adopted scales. May I clarify whether these procedures should be performed by default or whether Measurement Invariance testing (as described in your paper) is implemented instead of EFA/CFAs with the data collected at several points of time? I am prone to believe that the second case is the correct answer given how difficult and counter-intuitive it might be to conduct EFA several times with different data waves while expecting the same reflective items to remain.

Best wishes,

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